A message from the Weirditor:
I hope everyone’s October has been great and that your Halloween is super spooky!
Halloween just happens to fall on our HPLThursdays this year and we have the first real horrific tale that Lovecraft wrote going up Halloween morning!
For those of you that read along with us as we read Dracula all month, and Frankenstein the month before, we have another one for you in November!
In November we will be celebrating one of the biggest pulpsters, Edgar Rice Burroughs! We will be reading Tarzan of the Apes, daily, through the month and we are also adding a new feature to the site!
We have REHWednesdays and HPLThursdays and now we will add ERBWeekendMatinee!
Every Saturday and Sunday, we will spend reading through some of his great stories featuring some of his greatest characters. We will start with his first novel, The Princess of Mars. This planetary romance tale is the first in ERB’s outstanding John Carter of Mars series!
That’s right, we will be getting a double dose of ERB in November. Drink it in.
Matt Wall’s serial Space:1959 will be ending it’s Penialation storyline and taking a break while WM publishes his serial Fagman which first appeared in the print version of WM.
We will have tons of other short stories up on the site by some of your WM favs like B. L. Koller, DJ Tyrer, Carlton Herzog, Soter Lucio, Peter Clark and more!
Happy Halloween and here’s to a wonderful November!