IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! Weird Mask 25!!!
Hey weirdos! You can pick up the 125 page giant at amazon by clicking here. Continue Reading
Hey weirdos! You can pick up the 125 page giant at amazon by clicking here. Continue Reading
Here are the prompts for the 2021 Weird Mask 500! Two genres: Horror Bizarro Secret word: Square Google Trending Topic: Climate Change / Earth’s Axis Shifting So there you go! Write a 500 word story containing those elements and send it to me at weirdmaskzine at gmail dot com… Continue Reading
Hey Weirdos! It’s so good to be back and even better to come back with this much awesome stuff to come back to! As you probably saw, we will be posting a new chapter of The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells, daily, until it ends. If you have never read… Continue Reading
Weird Mask is back and happy to announce that we are accepting submissions once again! We have new submission guidelines that you can take a look at here. One of the big changes is that we are taking stories up to 20k words for our print magazine! There is no… Continue Reading
A message from the Weirditor: I hope everyone’s October has been great and that your Halloween is super spooky! Halloween just happens to fall on our HPLThursdays this year and we have the first real horrific tale that Lovecraft wrote going up Halloween morning! For those of you that read… Continue Reading
Hey there weirdos! For those you that have been keep track of the brief history of Weird Mask, you will remember that in early issue of the print zine, there were quite a few stories of old. That was were my love for the genre came from. Edgar Allan Poe,… Continue Reading
Hey there weirdos! Hope you all had a great September and hope even more that your October plans are coming together nicely! Here at WM, our October plans are just freaking MONSTEROUS! We have a lot for you in October including a month long serialized version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula!… Continue Reading
Hey there weirdos! I have some sad news and some fun news. I’ll start with the sad. I can no longer at this time, keep up with the print schedule of the zine / zines. There are many factors at play. The long and short of it is, at this… Continue Reading
That’s right weirdos! We got a new race and it starts…NOW! As heard on the latest episode of the PulpFicLitPod, we pulled things out of a hat and have a new writing challenge! It has to take place in a school or varsity setting. It has to be an alternative… Continue Reading
WM is looking for weird stories that revolve around music in some way. Any genre. 1k-3k words. contributor copy as payment. Send submissions, unformatted in the body of the email, to: weird mask zine at gmail dot com DEADLINE: July 28th! Continue Reading